
Beste lager in the world: family brewer Alfa awarded once again

By 4 October 2020December 30th, 2020News
Engels header best lager

The London Beer Competition has once again awarded Alfa Edel Pils.
Alfa Edel Pils received the highest score in the category International Lager. This means Alfa brews the best lager worldwide! Alfa Edel Pils scored an astonishing 86 points.

London Beer Competition judges according to  the following 3 key areas: quality, value for money, package and design. In blind tasting competitions Alfa has always outperformed other brands. In 2017 the 5th generation created a new bottle design and packaging that has proven to appeal to the beer lover. Since this allure change it truly presents the best lager in the world. In the category Pale Malty European Lager, Alfa Krachtig Dort is awarded with a silver medal (82 points).

Family Brewery
Since 1870 the Meens family brews their beers according to a 150 year old family recipe, using exclusive & certified pure spring water. 5 generations of traditional brewing with premium quality.
It doesn’t surprise Michelle Meens (5th generation) that their beers won again at the prestige competition. ‘Every award is a crown on our brewers craft and achieved by the entire Alfa team.  Each team member has its contribution in our success.  Therefore we are truly proud of our colleagues!’

Worldwide recognition
The past 3 years Alfa Beer has been awarded in both national and international beer competitions, such as: Dutch Beer Challenge, USA Beer Ratings, World Beer Awards and the Brussels Beer Challenge.

Merel Melchers

Merel Melchers

Gelegen in het unieke Limburgse heuvellandschap ligt onze familiebrouwerij. In 1870 opgericht door Joseph Meens en momenteel geleid door de 4e generatie in de hoedanigheid van Harry Meens. En de vijfde generatie staat te popelen om over een aantal jaren de familietraditie voort te zetten. “Bierbrouwen is passioneel bezig zijn met een product”