As a family-owned brewery, we understand that all too well. For more than 150 years we have been completely independent, and we offer you that freedom too!
As a family-owned brewery, we understand that all too well. For more than 150 years we have been completely independent, and we offer you that freedom too!
No sense in a (strangling) beer contract?
Then choose Alfa Beer in your (catering) business, liquor store or store.
Real and transparent beer prices with interesting fair margins. No high beer prices and bonuses afterwards. Cash on the nail instead of a cigar from your own box, that’s Alfa Brewery all over. For more than 150 years we have maintained a consistent relationship with our partners in this way. Loyal to ourselves and our relationships.
All Alfa Beers are available through a nationwide distribution network of suppliers, our products are available in cans, bottles, cask 20l, cask 50l and as tank beer.
In addition, we have an extensive range of ancillary products (e.g. various gift packs, 75cl bottles etc.) and a complete range of POS materials.
Interested? Sign up using the contact form!